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Scrum Day 2022: Who wants to talk? Call for Papers open

The organizers invite you to the Scrum Day 2022 on June 30 and July 1, 2022 in Stuttgart. For this purpose, we are looking for contributions in German and English language from the community.

Photo by Thomas Serer on Unsplash

Scrum Day has been gathering people since 2009 under one idea: to use Scrum to make an impact. Better products, faster delivery, satisfied customers, happy people and companies.

Motto 2022: Moving the Scrum downfield

We are looking for talks that fit the motto "Moving the Scrum downfield" and the tracks. Your talks should make a difference in the minds of the visitors. What does "Moving the Scrum downfield" mean? The term that gave Scrum its name is a headline from the HBR article "The new new product development game" from1986.

Many practitioners, companies and teams have been looking for and finding their own niche in recent years. Now it's time for us to get together and keep playing the ball. We want to get to know your moves, your line-ups, your training times. What should good players be able to do?


We have already written something about our quality requirements here in the past:
  • We are looking for talks that fit the motto and the tracks (see below). We reject talks that cannot relate to the motto or track.
  • If we have several talks about a similar topic, we prefer those that better support our motto and a track.
  • Only one talk will be accepted per speaker. Only 2 proposals will be accepted per speaker.
  • If there are several similar submissions on a topic, we check whether we give preference to new speakers so that the "usual suspects" do not always present.
  • We watch the speakers. If we don't know someone, we try to figure out what kind of person they are: are they committed to agile issues? Are they involved in the community?
  • We reject pure advertising talks. If you want to advertise your achievements, you can participate in the sponsoring of the Scrum Day through various sponsor packages.
The organizers review all submissions and prepare the online creation of the agenda on 16.03.2022.

The agenda will be drawn up jointly on 16.03.2022

Please block the following dates:
  • Scrum Day on 30.06. and 01.07.2022 in Stuttgart. Keep both days free. We cannot guarantee fixed slots when planning.
  • Creation of the agenda on 16.03.2022 (virtual open space)

Since we want to develop the agenda together, we ask all those who would like to give a talk to keep the 16.03.2022 free for an open space. There is the opportunity to present his ideas and advertise for a slot.

Apply for one of four tracks

For the Scrum Day 2022 we are looking for talks that fit the motto and one of the following tracks:
  • Track "Good Scrum is fast, easy and fun": With Scrum, teams develop suitable solutions for their challenges. The problems are often anything but harmless cuddly kittens. Your talks should show how Scrum supports people and at the same time is fast and easy and fun.
  • Track "Scrum by the book - pain or gain?": "Scrum after textbook does not work for us! The theory of Scrum does not help us! We already do everything that Scrum prescribes!" Is that it? Regulations, regulations and theories? On this year's Scrum Day, we want to take a look behind the pages of the Scrum Guide: why does it say what it says? We want to focus on what you're all about. What experiences have you gained in this environment? Which WHY did WHAT bring you?
  • Track "Scrum is designed to fix reality": Scrum gives us visibility about what difficulties we have to overcome. We want to hear talks about how Scrum has been used to trigger big changes that were unimaginable before.
  • The "Which-talk-is missing-here" track: You think that an important topic is missing here? A topic that has been neglected at agile conferences or that may be the big topic in five years? Then submit your presentation under this track.

You can submit lectures on the Scrum Day website: https://www.scrum-day.de/call-for-papers.html Please also talk to people you want to hear talks from and make them aware of our Call for Papers.


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